About Notify

Notify.gov is a text messaging service built by and for the government. We help agencies communicate more effectively with the people they serve. With Notify.gov, federal and federally-funded programs can send customized text messages that make it possible to:

  • Meet people where they are
  • More effectively deliver program outcomes
  • Save administrative costs
  • Implement 21st Century IDEA and other directives

Notify.gov is an easy-to-use, web-based platform. It requires no technical expertise or system integration — users can create an account and get started within minutes. We take the security and privacy of messaging data seriously by minimizing data retention and using modern encryption methods.

Product Highlights

  • Send customized one-way messages

    Upload a file with recipient phone numbers and Notify.gov sends customized messages

  • Send in recipients’ preferred language

    Notify.gov supports more than 30 character sets to send messages in almost any language

  • See how messages perform

    Track how many messages you’ve sent and monitor delivery rates

  • Create and manage multiple services within a single organization

    Set up individual workspaces for different texting services, allowing multiple teams or programs to manage day-to-day texting operations across an organization

  • Manage team member and permissions on each service

    Administrators can add users and control what they can do in Notify.gov

See if Notify is right for you

Notify.gov is a product of the Public Benefits Studio, a product accelerator inside the federal government.